Why do companies and farmers’ associations make themselves heard loudly only when Italian products rich in saturated fats are attacked? Instead when others product are attacked with anti-scientific calumnies they are silent. This little game runs the risk of turning against them. Whether true or not, the news that UN and WHO want to punish […]
Europe’s Suicide
Some questions put to Europe’s parliamentarians and bureaucrats who have decided, with the new protectionism, to allow the European Union to commit suicide The choice by the EU to eliminate palm oil from biodiesels by 2030 is suicide, both social and economic. There will be chain reactions, because of this new protectionism, for which Europe will […]
Palm oil = cholesterol: yet another hoax!
Linking palm oil to cholesterol is an old argument put forward by those who wanted, at all costs, to see it disappear from the face of the earth. Articles, blogs, fake-news, social network campaigns have all invaded the minds of consumers, influencing their choices and making fools of them – don’t eat palm oil because […]
Western Liberal Democracies Are Not In Crisis
Here an excerpt of the edtiorial written by Pietro Paganini and published in The Daily Caller on June 1st There’s no need to worry: western liberal democracies are not in crisis. The ground gained by various forms of populism and the unsophisticated reemergence of ideologies considered dead and buried cannot be attributed to the failure of liberalism. […]
We must support innovation and intellectual property rights
Open letter to the Director General of WHI to support innovation and intellectual property rights protection. Health requires both of them. Innovation and intellectual property must be at the core of the next World Health Assembly organized by the WHO. Competere, along with a coalition of European think tanks, has published and sent to the Director General […]
Papuans want palm oil plantation
The article is taken from https://thepalmscribe.id/papuans-want-palm-oil-plantations. That one’s life can turn like a wheel, with its ups and downs, is something that Samuel Maikea and his wife Rachel Derione can vouch for. This native Papuan couple from the Iwaro Tribe have now settled in Puragi village, in the South Sorong district of West Papua. Before settling […]
We Must Renew Democracy!
ForFreeChoice joins the Renew Democracy Initiative (RDI) RDI’s Manifesto: 1. The modern world is at risk of losing its way. The liberal-democratic order is under attack from within and without. In response, a Committee has been formed to respond to the crisis. This document describes the crisis and outlines the responses necessary to meet […]
ForFreeChoice Celebrates World IP Day, Launches Open Letter to WIPO
Today we celebrate the World IP Day. Protecting intellectual property rights is fundamental to foster innovation and economic growth. World IP Day, ForFreeChoice, in partnership with Property Rights Alliance, is proud to stand with content creators and rights holders around the world to fight for stronger, more effective intellectual property rights. This year ForFreeChoice is especially proud to […]
Young European mom’s boy entrepreneurs
Iceland: European Hypocrisy.
UK supermarkets wipe their conscience clean at the expense of consumers.
UK supermarket chain Iceland has decided to contribute to the destruction of the planet by increasing deforestation. Removing palm oil from its own range of products will cause greater deforestation and increase pollution and poverty. What often lie behind these corporate choices are business interests and the inability of managers to cope with complex issues. […]