Western Liberal Democracies Are Not In Crisis

Here an excerpt of the edtiorial written by Pietro Paganini and published in The Daily Caller on June 1st There’s no need to worry: western liberal democracies are not in crisis. The ground gained by various forms of populism and the unsophisticated reemergence of ideologies considered dead and buried cannot be attributed to the failure of liberalism. […]

We must support innovation and intellectual property rights


Open letter to the Director General of WHI to support innovation and intellectual property rights protection. Health requires both of them. Innovation and intellectual property must be at the core of the next World Health Assembly organized by the WHO. Competere, along with a coalition of European think tanks, has published and sent to the Director General […]

ForFreeChoice Celebrates World IP Day, Launches Open Letter to WIPO

Today we celebrate the World IP Day. Protecting intellectual property rights is fundamental to foster innovation and economic growth.  World IP Day, ForFreeChoice, in partnership with Property Rights Alliance, is proud to stand with content creators and rights holders around the world to fight for stronger, more effective intellectual property rights. This year ForFreeChoice is especially proud to […]

Iceland: European Hypocrisy.
UK supermarkets wipe their conscience clean at the expense of consumers.

UK supermarket chain Iceland has decided to contribute to the destruction of the planet by increasing deforestation. Removing palm oil from its own range of products will cause greater deforestation and increase pollution and poverty. What often lie behind these corporate choices are business interests and the inability of managers to cope with complex issues. […]