“Palm Oil Free” Fad: Facts, Fiction and Misleading Claims; Brussels – April 4, 2019

“Palm Oil Free” Fad: Facts, Fiction and Misleading ClaimsThursday 4 April – 8:45 AM  Room A5E-3, European Parliament Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels   Are “Palm Oil Free” products better for health and the environment? Are “Palm Oil Free” claims helpful for the consumer? Are they anti-competitive?   We discussed with: Alberto Cirio – Member of the European Parliament Giacomo Bandini – For […]

Save the Date: March 21 – Fake News, Hoaxes and Food Labeling

On March 21 at the Italian Chamber of Deputies (Nilde Iotti Room) the ForFreeChoice Institute will host the event Fake News, Hoaxes and Food Labeling ForFreeChoice Institute will present the comparative study “Palm Oil Free, With More Saturated Fats and Less Sustainability”   The panel speakers will be: MP Beatrice Lorenzin, Former Minister of Health […]

The EU’s circular economy approach to plastics and its beneficial effects on the economy.


In 2015 the European Commission launched a Circular Economy Package, and now, there is a growing focus on plastics in a circular economy; in 2018, the commission released the first Europe-wide plastic strategy. Since then, innovators have shown great interest and excitement for what this may mean for their business and the EU economy as […]

Dear EU Commission, E-cigarettes are not poison

e cigarettes

Why the European Commissions’ comparison of e-cigarettes to ‘poison’ is invalid and dangerous, and why the use of e-cigarettes is a beneficial substitute to smokers. Recently, Arūnas Vinčiūnas, head of the cabinet of EU Health Commissioner came out calling e-cigarettes “poison,” which was followed by debate and a strong reaction from many e-cigarette stakeholders. This […]

EU Agriculture Commission: Enough with the Hypocrisy on the Livestock Industry


Several MPs of the European Parliament Agriculture Commission have proposed to reduce subsidies for intensive agriculture and livestock farming. Finally. This reform, which must be firstly approved by the European Parliament before the end of the mandate, presents itself as a concrete measure to curb the livestock industry and (consequently ) the damages it causes […]

Spain: Anti Palm Oil Claims are Misleading


Trapa was wrong. So are all food companies using labels to discriminate palm oil for commercial purposes. We warned Spanish consumers a few weeks ago. We are now glad to notice that the Spanish Association for the Self-Regulation of Commercial Communication shares our view. The self-regulatory body of the advertising industry has stated that Trapa […]

Science Debunks Environmentalist Fake-News

palm oil

One of the main reasons behind palm oil’s boycott has always been its relationship with deforestation. Science, number, and facts actually prove that supporting sustainable palm oil is the only solution to prevent further deforestation. Check out our charts. 1.Did you know that palm oil is the crop with the highest yield per hectare? Yes. 3.8 tonnes […]