The world burns from California to Russia, from the Amazon Rain Forest to Europe. But the big national and international media only ever point the finger in one direction: towards the countries of south-east Asia that produce palm oil. It is always only their fault. According to data from Global Forest Watch last week, the […]
Category: Featured
How to Control Migration
Last week we left off by talking about the sustainability of palm oil plantations grown in Bangui Central Africa, by the mission of the Carmelite Friars (LINK). But their work certainly does not stop here. The purpose and fundamental importance of this mission is to create prosperity and well-being for the locals, and such an […]
A lesson from Africa: the market is the way to sustainability
Losing the Shirt Off Our Back
European industries and entrepreneurs risk to pay a high price due to the trade war that is being waged against the “free from palm oil” claim. The selfishness of a few food producers and distributors is risking to damage Europe’s entire economy. After Indonesia, Turkey and the USA, also Malaysia bans “free from palm oil“ products, […]
A New Clown in Town: The New Farce of Food Certification
In Europe, the absence of legislation that protect consumers is now favoring the speculation of fake food certifications: the case of the “free from palm oil” claim. FAKE-STICKERS The International Palm Oil Free Certification Trademark Program (POFCAP) is the new clown in town. They would like to deceive European consumers with an alleged sticker […]
Citizens’ Victory: Indonesia Stands Against “Free From” Claims Too
After Turkey and the USA, Indonesia bans the “free from palm oil” claim. Several other countries are considering intervening in this regard. Unfortunately, In Europe, Competition Authorities turn their heads the other way, escaping their responsibility towards citizens. In Indonesia, consumers’ rights are more considered than in Europe. The Government of Jakarta has banned the […]
International Orangutan Day: How We Can Save Them
Today, 19 August, we celebrate the International Orangutan Day. We do it our way, without shouting and not guided by idealism or ideologies far from reality. We hope that this can be an opportunity to discuss with rationality the reasons that are threatening this animal. Unfortunately, today it will most likely be the usual opportunity […]
Citizens Assembly: A Disruptive Yet Beneficial Proposal
What’s the solution to this period of difficulty of democracies? On one hand we have the populist solutions, actually very similar to the old ones. On the other, institutions could embrace innovative proposals like the citizens assembly created in Ireland in 2016. Today, a major challenge for democracies and governments is hearing the voice of […]
We Are Better Than This!
How liberal democracies guarantee individual liberties, even to those who commit a heinous crime. Recently, an Italian police officer was stabbed to death eight times by two American tourists. The two Americans, 19-year-old Finnegan Lee Elder, and his 18-year-old friend Gabriel Christian Natale Hjorth, allegedly admitted to the stabbing of 35-year-old Carabinieri officer Mario Cerciello […]