The problem is not equality. We are for diversity, and we promote it in Europe. Said Ralph Dahrendorf, who we want to commemorate 10 years after his passing.
JOIN the conference “In reforming the EU the problem is not inequality, but fostering individual diversity” the 24th of June at 5.00 pm at Sala del Cenacolo, Chamber of Deputies Piazza in Campo Marzio, 42 – Rome.
Speakers: Giuseppe Abbonizio, Costanza Hermani, Beatrice Lorenzin, Mario Lupo, Raffaello Morelli, Giovanni Orsina, Pietro Paganini, Danilo Taino / Moderator: Roberto Arditti
Giuseppe Vegas, Honorary President of the Liberalism School/ Scuola di Liberalismo, at the end of the event will present the new Scientific Committee of the Liberalismo School/Comitato Scientifico della Scuola di Liberalismo.
It is customary of the Chamber of Deputies for men to wear jackets.